New form features

10 June 2015

Today we released a major update to the form features in UCare. This is basically a complete rewrite of the Forms features but don't worry; for people visiting your website Forms still work like before.

So what changed? First the basics; we renamed Fields to Questions and Results to Responses. While fields and results are correct wording if you're a techo it didn't fit with most people and so they had trouble understanding what they were.

Under the covers we've worked hard to make it easy for you to edit forms, change question options and reorder questions. You can also edit responses and print them in exactly the same format that they were submitted.

To help avoid duplicates we've added a new question type called 'Person', if you are signed in to UCare when filling in the form then it will let you look up existing people and their details. If not it will ask for a name, email or mobile and use that info to find existing people that match, if their is no match then it will add a new person. You can also ask for birthday, gender and address info and it will update the person's profile.

A new question option can now update people's profiles with answer from the form response, for example if you ask for the person's address then it can update their home address or if you ask for their salvation date then completing that question will save the date on their profile. The types of questions you can add include the following:

  • Person - look up an existing person or collect their name and contact info, optionally you can also collect their birthday, gender and residential address.
  • Contact Detail - any type of contact detail. E.g. email, mobile, emergence, etc.
  • Date - any type of date. For example a custom date like Salvation or Baptism.
  • Text - a single line of text.
  • Paragraph text - a paragraph of text.
  • Choose from a list - a drop down allowing the person to choose one option.
  • Checkboxes - a list of checkboxes allowing the person to choose multiple options.
  • Number - a number input that can have a minimum and maximum value.
  • Scale - a scale from 0 to 10, useful to collect info like how much a person agrees with the question.
  • File - upload a file, if the person isn't signed into UCare this question isn't displayed.
  • Signature - useful on touch devices like iPads and phones, this allows the person to use their finder to sign the form.
  • Section header - enter a section title and description so that you can break your form up.

We've added a few extra little niceties like if you mark a form as Protected then other UCare users can respond to a form but can't edit the form and change questions. You can add a CAPTCHA to your forms to avoid spam submissions on your website. Finally when exporting form responses you can now select the date range that you want to export instead of exporting all of the form responses.

With these and other updates we’re working hard to make UCare smarter and easier to use, if you have any feedback we’d love to hear from you, simply email

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