Online portal

25 June 2015

The new online portal provides an easy way to give members of your church a way to register for events, small groups and to fill in forms. They can also give, purchase resources, update their contact details, and browse the church directory all from the online portal

UCare contains options to embed most of these options into your main church website, but this has a few issues for some churches. First, you need someone who knows how to modify your existing website to add the integration points. Second, many of these options are sending sensitive personal or credit card payment over the internet. As such, your website should be running on HTTPS to keep this data secure. If these issues seem too much for your skills, or you just want to get the online experience set up as quickly as possible, then the portal is for you.

Here are a brief outline of what you can display in the portal, check out for a simple example of what you can do or view the help article Changing portal settings.

  • Show a list of published events, then people will be able to book and pay for tickets and have them delivered directly to their inbox.
  • Show a list of published stores, then people can add items to their cart and purchase physical or digital goods. Digital items are delivered directly to their inbox.
  • Show a list of published groups, people can view all the details about each group, select a group that they are interested and send a message directly to the group leader.
  • Allow church members to access a directory of contact information for other church members.
  • Show a list of published forms, people can fill in a form and the response will be saved in UCare and the appropriate team members notified.
  • Display a giving form where people can make donations via credit card. Once their credit card has been successfully charged they will also be sent a receipt.

With these and other updates we’re working hard to make UCare smarter and easier to use, if you have any feedback we’d love to hear from you, simply email