New Videos - Kiosk, Attendance, Forms, Processes, Tasks & More
10 April 2016
We’ve been working hard on creating new help videos and are excited to be releasing almost 20 videos, these relate to many of the common tasks that you need to accomplish in UCare.
- Setting up the kiosk
- Using assisted check in
- Using self check in
- Small group attendance
- Church attendance and stats
- Create a search group
- Creating a child registration form
- Creating a prayer request form
- Using a form to add new people
- Creating a process
- Using a process
- Creating a task
- Viewing tasks on your dashboard
- Viewing assigned tasks
- Creating an email
- Sending an SMS message
- Viewing latest activity
- How monthly costs are calculated
We have more videos in production so if you have any feedback or have a particular help video you’d like to request we’d love to hear from you, simply email