Daily task summary & API
For the last few months we've been trialling sending a daily summary of UCare tasks with a select group of churches. This week we finally flipped the switch and enabled this for all our customers. You'll receive this email if you have a UCare account and have any Tasks due today or that are overdue otherwise we'll leave you in peace and won't bother you with another email, so really it pays to get those tasks done so you can get back to doing what you do best.
We also recently turned on our REST API for all our customers, you can find help and the current set of endpoints by browsing to ____.ucareapp.com/api/help (replace ____ with your church's UCare account id). The API is using JSON format and we plan to add more endpoints in the coming weeks. If there is anything you need please get in touch so we can prioritize it for you.
With these and other updates we’re working hard to make UCare smarter and easier to use, if you have any feedback we’d love to hear from you, simply email support@ucarehq.com.